
#Finning  #Beifang  #Apex Predator  #Haifischflossensuppe

DOKU: „Sharkwater – Wenn Haie sterben“

(Originaltitel: Sharkwater | Trailer zum Film)


Sharkwater ist ein kanadischer Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahr 2007 von Rob Stewart.
Der Taucher, Unter­wasser­fotograf und Biologe wollte ursprünglich nur einen schönen Unter­wasser­film über Haie drehen, um alte Vor­urteile gegenüber den Tieren zu widerlegen, stieß dann jedoch auf illegale Geschäfte und kriminelle Strukturen, die soge­nanntes Shark-Finning betreiben und rückte dann auch die Menschen in den Fokus.


Der Film kann aktuell via Netflix gestreamt werden.




(Fortsetzung von Sharkwater | 2015 | Trailer zum Film)


Revolution ist ein Film über das Verändern der Welt.
Die Fortsetzung von Rob Stewarts vielgepriesenem Dokumentarfilm „Sharkwater“ ist ein lebensechtes Abenteuer, welches ihn während vier Jahren durch 15 Länder führt und in dessen Verlauf er entdeckt, dass nicht nur die Haie stark gefährdet sind – sondern auch die Menschheit selber.


Der Film kann als „Video on Demand“ bei Vimeo gestreamt werden.



Interview: Cristina Zenato – The Shark Listener

( OCEANS Project Episode 002 | 2022)


Cristina Zenato is one of the world’s most renowned shark expert and has been living for nearly 3 decades on Grand Bahama Island, in the Bahamas, where you can find extraordinary diving sites like Shark Junction and Tiger Beach. She is known as The Mother of Sharks, The Shark Whisperer and many other names. Though labelling her is a mistake, as she is multi facetted, doing so many other things. She is the founder of the non profit organization People of the Water and member of the Explorers Club as well as a renowned cave explorer and instructor, marine conservationist … I could go on for quite a while with the great things she does, but see for yourself and watch this video about Cristina Zenato.



TEDx: Ocean Ramsey „How sharks affect us all“

(Vortrag TEDxKlagenfurt 2015)


Sharks on a world wide scale suffer under their reputation as brutal killers. They are close to extinction due to human prosecution. Ocean Ramsey explains why they are a valuable and fundamental part of the oceans´ eco-systems and encourages everyone of us to help saving them … for our own good.

Ocean Ramsey´s passion sounds rather scary to many of us. She dives with white sharks and is passionate about showing the beauty of them. White sharks are nowaday close to extinction, as they are misunderstood beings suffering under their wrong interpretated nature. Even though sharks are very intelligent and highly helpful in keeping the oceans in a healthy balance by eating ill organisms, they are seen as a danger. It is her goal to generate a better understanding between humans and sharks in order to save them.



TEDx: William Winram „The great white lie“

(Vortrag TEDxWWF 2012)


Sharks have been maligned in the media and because of this the world does not seem to care about the ongoing slaughter estimated up to 100 million individuals a year.

William will be giving a personal account of his first shark encounter and the turning point in his life with regards to sharks and how they have been portrayed. This will include his close encounters with the tiger shark as well as the great white shark. William will also touch on the critical role of the shark in the marine ecosystem and what we, as individuals, can do to lessen the pressure on the over fishing of these magnificent animals.



Infografiken: „Hai Finning“

Diese Grafiken wurden von Irina Huwiler (Luzern, Schweiz) designed und firmm education zur Verfügung gestellt.



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